XL Aviation: Live the dream

XL Aviation is offering Primary Flight Training!

You can contact us for more details and information upon signing up!

Block rates vary.
20% discount for 40 Hour Blocks.

Training Programs

You could choose the “fastest track” or the “safest and best track.”
We can bring everyone up to commercial flying level and get their flight instructor certifications. This is important because pilot demand around the world is coming back! There is a requirement of 1500 flight hours before one can join an airline, and the supply chain is bad. We are here to fix that!

Who comes to XL Aviation?
Kids, hobbyists, commercial pilots, want-to-be commercial pilots, and military people getting experience, waiting to get into academy. We have programs for beginners as well as experienced pilots.

Picture of a commercial airliner

Commercial Aviation Training

We can bring everyone up to commercial flying level and get their flight instructor certifications. This is important because pilot demand around the world is coming back. Competitors charge $90,000 for 200 hours to be a commercial pilot. XL Aviation charges only $58,000, which is 25% cheaper than the competition! We not only teach you how to fly well, but we go beyond what the FAA requires!

A young student with a trainer in a red plane

Beginner Aviation Training

Who comes to XL Aviation? Kids, hobbyists, commercial pilots, want-to-be commercial pilots, and military people getting experience, waiting to get into academy. We have programs for everyone, including beginners. Learning to fly helps you overcome fear. This skill carries over in life, giving you the confidence to learn new skills and build character. We have a stellar safety record, and we are simply better and cheaper than our competition!

Leadership training for Pilots

This training is designed to help you develop essential leadership skills and emotional intelligence from the very start of your aviation journey, giving you the tools to thrive in high-stress environments like the flight deck.

Zero to hero

Unlock your passion with Stratus Financial, the ultimate gateway to realizing your dreams. Our seamless collaboration with Stratus Financial ensures swift access to the tailored financing you require for your flight pursuits. Overcome the financial barrier of flight training with their tailored student loan options. Take flight with us today! Apply Now!